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Organisational & Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence is a management philosophy that focuses on improving efficiency, reducing waste, and increasing productivity. It involves identifying and eliminating non-value-added activities, streamlining processes, and continuously improving operations to achieve better results. By implementing Operational Excellence, organisations can enhance their competitiveness, increase customer satisfaction, and achieve sustainable growth.


You can achieve organisational excellence through implementation of a range of the programmes we offer. 

In many businesses, the term 'Operations' traditionally refers to direct manufacturing. Directors of Operations are usually concerned with 'shop floor' activity only.
The systems we espouse improve far more than this, i.e. indirect departments and personnel like Quality, Safety, Lean, etc. Therefore, we have named ourselves 'Organisational Excellence Ireland' to illustrate that the systems we offer are enterprise-wide activities with everyone involved. 

Integrated Systems

We specialise in identifying the synergies between various systems in your organisation to streamline your daily work. 


An Integrated Management System (IMS) is a unified system that combines multiple management standards, such as quality, environmental, lean, and health and safety, into a single framework. It enables organisations to manage their processes and activities in a more integrated and efficient way, reducing duplication of effort and improving overall performance. By implementing an IMS, organisations can achieve greater consistency, compliance, and effectiveness in their management practices.


We see OpEx as an amalgation of best practices and a decision to integrate all of the systems we offer. 


  • Set your Strategy

  • Create your objectives and KPIs

  • Plan to achieve 

  • Build your leadership culture

  • Integrate your systems

  • Map and improve your processes

  • Define your methods

  • Eliminate Waste

  • Manage your projects

  • Embrace the tools!

EFQM Model

The EFQM model is a framework for organisational management and quality assessment. It was developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management and is widely used by businesses and organisations across Europe. The model is based on a set of criteria that cover all aspects of organisational performance, including leadership, strategy, people management, partnerships and resources, processes, products and services, and customer results. By using the EFQM model, organisations can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to define where the organisation is on their road to excellence, and achieve excellence in all areas of their operations. We can help you design systems to meet this standard, implement the systems in your processes, and train your personnel to maintain the wins you experience.

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